Deal with it.
Behold the power of our love! Watch as we join forces to KICK MAJOR ASS! and bring love back to this twisted world. One post at a time.
So stick around and take notice as the on-going story of Once Blue (right-on girl) and Trooper (mellow boy) unfolds.

Different viewpoints

Keep up
At the ready
I will see you soon.  Maybe even tomorrow?!!!! Wh...
Please please please don't worry.....
Fits Are to Be Shared
I'm ready
Little boy
The glory that is...

Worth a look
Simply Scripts
The chicken knows all!

Yeah, we said it
June 2004July 2004August 2004October 2004July 2005August 2005July 2007

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A bit pissed 7.25.2004
Hmmm...I am pretty sure that when I say "call and let me know what's going on as soon as you know" means as soon as you know. I thought I stressed that in our convo. I spent the whole day running around trying to get everything ready in case you where coming in today. My back was killing me and....Well no use in bitching about it now.

I'm only putting this here because you've asked me to document these fits. I will seek out the healing power of codeine and Ha pics...

Dished out by Anonymous more or less at 2:52 AM

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Once Blue
I can't get enough of her

He awes me

The song I would dedicate: Trooper: "Just in Time"
    by Nina Simone

Once Blue:

We can only get stronger...